I wake to the early morning light shining through the cabin window. The cold in the cabin tells me the stove has gone completely out. I think about getting up […]

I wake to the early morning light shining through the cabin window. The cold in the cabin tells me the stove has gone completely out. I think about getting up […]
Suppose you’re traveling on a busy subway and a man gets on with his two sons. The boys are running all over the subway car hollering, bumping into people, and […]
by Peter Wright, NTP, CGP 260,000 Americans are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s each year. 1 in 8 of those are over 65. While age is the biggest risk factor, age does […]
By Shirley Wright, LMT Years ago, I was lucky enough to be chosen to become trained and then become a trainer for Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective […]
Your health is a reflection of your current beliefs. If you can change your mind, you can change your health. Does that sound a little too woo-woo for you? Before […]
I am a firm believer in healing therapies. Why take a prescription every day when you might be able to find the right healing therapy to relieve your symptoms? Some […]
I am trying to meditate. It’s not easy because I’m always thinking of, on average, ten things Ineed to do or another five things I want to do. I am […]
Are you aware of your mind/body connection? What you feed you mind is as important to your health as what you feed your body. Your mind and body are inextricably […]
The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely our own and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your doctor before making any dietary or exercise changes. We are not medical professionals.
Copyright: All content, except as otherwise indicated, is the original work of Peter and Shirley Wright. You may link and quote from it as long as you provide attribution.