Written by Peter Wright, NTP Two small glands in your body are responsible for your energy levels. The adrenal glands are only about the size of a walnut and […]

Written by Peter Wright, NTP Two small glands in your body are responsible for your energy levels. The adrenal glands are only about the size of a walnut and […]
Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a diagnosis that no one wants but is one that many people have. Truthfully, I feel that IBS is a catch-all diagnosis that people […]
The wheat that we eat today is not the wheat that our ancestors ate. Wheat belly has been a topic in current books and articles. Some research is pointing to […]
It seems self-evident that diet soda would help you lose weight. If you eat fewer calories you lose weight, right? There’s much more to the story. Our bodies are marvelously […]
The first time I heard of Genetically Modified Crops I thought it seemed like a good idea. Wouldn’t crops resistant to disease be a good thing? Well, yes, if their […]
What is high fructose corn syrup? Producing high fructose corn syrup begins by steeping and grinding corn and then washing the starch from the ground corn. Water is added to […]
What is hydrogenated oil? Hydrogenated oils are created by forcing hydrogen into oil under high pressure and heat using a metal catalyst. This chemically alters the structure of the oil […]
The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely our own and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your doctor before making any dietary or exercise changes. We are not medical professionals.
Copyright: All content, except as otherwise indicated, is the original work of Peter and Shirley Wright. You may link and quote from it as long as you provide attribution.